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  文章来源于:American Corporate Services, INC.网址为:http://www.business-visa-usa.com/news.html#130 ,兆龙移民将它翻译给大家,以下是中英文对照部分。

  There are many subjective ways to measure the value of a program like EB-5 investment visa program, but the objective truth is in the numbers


  Peter Joseph, Executive Director of the not-for-profit IIUSA trade association for EB-5 Regional Centers recently shared some of the significant date relative to the increasing popularity and impact of the EB-5 immigration opportunity.

  Peter Joseph是非盈利性的EB-5区域中心协会—— IIUSA的执行理事。在新旧年交替之际,他分享了一些数据,反映了EB-5项目的高人气以及其所带来的积极效应。

  • In FY2014, 10,928 I-526 petitions were submitted to the USCIS. That is a 72% increase over FY2013 when 6,346 applications were received.

  • 在2014财年,美国移民局共收到10928份I-526申请。相较于2013财年的6346份申请, 2014年的数据增长了72%。

  • In FY2014, 5,115 petitions were approved by the USCIS. This is more than double the previous year and is nearly 800% greater than in FY2008 when the economic crisis sent developers scrambling for alternative funding sources.

  • 在 2014财年,共有 5115份申请被移民局批准。该数字是2013财年的2倍,并且差不多是2008财年的8倍。2008年是经济危机的第一年,当年许多项目开发者不得不开始寻找其他的融资途径。

  • In FY2014, a total of some $2.6 billion was designated to fund approved EB-5 projects.

  • 在2014财年,共有26亿美元的资本投资给了获批的EB-5项目。

  • In FY2014, 2,516 I-829 petitions were received requesting removal of visa conditions with evidence that the job-creation requirements had been met. During the same period, the USCIS approved a total of 1,603 petitions . . . meaning that a total of at least 16,030 jobs had been created as required and verified.

  • 在 2014财年,共有2516份I-829申请提交给了美国移民局。申请人以其投资已经满足就业创造条件的证明,请求解除对其临时绿卡的限制条件。与此同时,美国移民局共批准了1603份申请,意味着这些投资至少按要求创造了16030 个工作岗位。

  It is important to note that all of these numbers are like a snapshot of a singular moment in what is an ongoing process. Therefore, the actual number of jobs created or being created is much greater. For instance, the 5,115 I-526 petitions approved in FY2014 alone will result in 51,115 new or saved jobs. The continued popularity of the EB-5 program will continue to drive the investment dollars and jobs created to record levels.


