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  作者:Yevgeny Samokhleb律师

  New USCIS Policy on Loan Proceeds Used for Source of Funds


  Yevgeny Samokhleb律师是刘宇和贝特曼律师事务所 EB-5律师,美国EB-5投资移民执业律师,为EB-5投资者在移民过程中提供全程指导,并代表投资者与美国移民局、美国国家签证中心和美国海外领事馆处理移民相关事宜。他也精通于移民法的其它领域,包括家庭团聚签证、商务签证、诉讼和上诉。在拥有法学教育背景的同时,他在不动产法领域也有丰富经验。他曾在纽约市民事法庭工作期间研究房屋租赁法,并协助法官起草判决书。


  In a public engagement conference on April 22, 2015, USCIS stated it is enforcing a new policy regarding adjudication of EB-5 petitions where the source of funds is based on bank mortgage loans. The new policy is the agency’s new interpretation of the EB-5 regulations’ use of the words “capital” and “indebtedness.” 8 C.F.R. § 204.6 defines as including a contribution of “indebtedness secured by assets owned by the [petitioner], provided that the [petitioner] is personally and primarily liable.” Since the inception of the EB-5 Program, this has always been understood as referring to the investment transaction between the petitioner and the project. Now, USCIS has suddenly begun to apply this language to indebtedness transactions within the chain of investors’ source of funds.


  Accordingly, EB-5 petitioners must now demonstrate that they own the collateral used to secure their bank loan and that they are personally and primarily liable for the loan. The quintessential scenario is when the petitioner is the sole owner of property that he or she uses as collateral for a loan. Such cases will not encounter any problems under the new policy. Similarly, no problems should arise in cases where the collateral is wholly owned by a third-party, who obtains the loan and gifts the funds to the petitioner. USCIS also seems to continue approving cases where the collateral is owned by the petitioner and a spouse as community property and the petitioner is the primary borrower of the loan. However, it remains unclear whether USCIS will approve a case where the petitioner and spouse are co-borrowers on the loan.


  The situation becomes more complicated when the petitioner and a third-party who is not a spouse are joint or co-owners of property, such as where parents own property jointly with their children or where the petitioner owns only a percentage of the property. Such cases will be denied under USCIS’ new policy. Similarly, a petitioner who is a co-borrower of the loan, rather than a sole borrower, will most likely also be denied. Unsecured loans are also unacceptable, though that has been articulated by USCIS for a long time.


  The easiest and most direct method to cure cases with such defects is to gift the collateral property or the loan proceeds to the petitioner. The owner of the property may obtain a loan in his or her name and gift the loan proceeds to the petitioner. Alternatively, the petitioner may receive the property as a gift and directly obtain the loan. If the petitioner is joint or co-owner of the property, an additional step must first be taken by which the petitioner relinquishes his or her share of the property to the other owner. All of these methods are acceptable to USCIS, as long as the gift agreements and relinquishment declarations are detailed, executed as chronologically applicable, and are legally binding. It remains to be seen though whether an executed declaration is accepted as sufficient to establish change in ownership, or whether a formal deed change will be required as well.


  The new USCIS policy is almost universally opposed in the EB-5 community as being a legally deficient interpretation of the law. The new interpretation contradicts the plain meaning of the statute and regulation, as well as binding precedent decisions set forth by the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO). USCIS’ argument is that this was always the policy, but it was erroneously applied based on a wrong interpretation of existing regulations. For this reason, the policy is being applied retroactively to all existing cases. Appeals have already begun, and the issue is expected to ultimately reach and be resolved by a federal court.


  The biggest difficulty will be for investors with defective loans whose petitions have already been filed. Depending on the unique details of each case, some will be curable by gift. However, such attempt to cure is not without risk. While a gift or relinquishment executed retroactively may cure the loan defect, it may trigger a denial due to the petition not being “approvable when filed,” as required by law. Because the new policy is new and sudden, there are no clear answers to many legal questions that have recently arisen. These answers will only come with time and experience. In the meantime, investors with potentially defective loan situations should consult with their attorneys as to how to minimize their risk.


